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Sinus MRI scan



These spaces are called the sinuses. The test is noninvasive.

核磁共振成像使用强大的磁铁和无线电波代替辐射. 来自磁场的信号从你的身体反弹,然后被发送到电脑. There, they are turned into images. Different types of tissues send back different signals.

Single MRI images are called slices. 这些图像可以存储在计算机上,也可以打印在胶片上. One exam produces dozens or sometimes hundreds of images.

Alternative Names

MRI of the sinuses; Magnetic resonance imaging - sinuses; Maxillary sinus MRI

How the Test is Performed

你可能会被要求穿病号服或没有金属扣或拉链的衣服(如运动裤和t恤)。. Certain types of metal can cause blurry images.


Small devices, called coils, are placed around the head. These devices help improve the quality of the images.

Some exams require a special dye (contrast). 染料通常在检查前通过手或前臂的静脉注射. 这种染料可以帮助放射科十大赌博平台排行榜更清楚地看到某些区域.

在核磁共振过程中,操作机器的人会在另一个房间看着你. The test most often lasts 30 minutes, but may take longer.

How to Prepare for the Test

在检查之前,告诉放射科十大赌博平台排行榜你是否有肾脏问题. This may affect whether you can have IV contrast.

如果你害怕密闭空间(幽闭恐惧症),在检查前告诉你的十大赌博平台排行榜. 十大赌博平台排行榜可能会给你开一种药,帮助你感到困倦和减少焦虑. 你的十大赌博平台排行榜也可能会建议你做“开放式”核磁共振成像,这样机器就不会离身体那么近了.

核磁共振成像过程中产生的强磁场会干扰起搏器和其他植入物. 装有大多数心脏起搏器的人不能做核磁共振成像,也不应该进入核磁共振成像区. Some newer pacemakers are made that are safe with MRI. 您需要与您的十大赌博平台排行榜确认您的起搏器在核磁共振检查中是否安全.


  • Brain aneurysm clips
  • Certain types of artificial heart valves
  • Heart defibrillator or pacemaker
  • Inner ear (cochlear) implants
  • Recently placed artificial joints
  • Certain types of vascular stents
  • 疼痛泵

如果您在安排测试时使用了这些设备,请告知您的提供者, so the exact type of metal can be determined.

核磁共振检查前, 钣金工人或可能接触过小金属碎片的人应该接受头骨x光检查. This is to check for metal in the eyes.

Because the MRI contains a magnet, metal-containing objects such as pens, 小刀, and eyeglasses may fly across the room. 这可能是危险的,所以他们不允许进入扫描区域.


  • 珠宝、手表、信用卡和助听器等物品都可能被损坏.
  • 别针、发夹、金属拉链和类似的金属物品会扭曲图像.
  • 可拆卸的牙具应该在扫描前取出.

How the Test will Feel

An MRI exam causes no pain. Some people may become anxious inside the scanner. If you have problems lying still or are very nervous, 十大赌博平台排行榜可能会给你开一些药物来帮助你平静(镇静剂)。. Too much movement can blur MRI images and cause errors.

The table may be hard or cold. You can ask for a blanket or pillow. 机器开机时会发出巨大的砰砰声和嗡嗡声. You can wear ear plugs to help reduce the noise.

房间里的对讲机可以让你随时与操作扫描仪的人通话. 一些核磁共振扫描仪有电视和特殊的耳机来帮助时间流逝.

There is no recovery time, unless you need sedation. 核磁共振扫描后,你可以恢复正常的饮食、活动和药物.

Why the Test is Performed

This test provides detailed pictures of the sinuses. Your provider may order this test if you have:

  • Abnormal nasal drainage
  • An abnormal finding on an x-ray or nasal endoscopy
  • Birth defect of the sinuses
  • 嗅觉丧失
  • 鼻导气管阻塞,治疗后没有好转
  • Repeated bloody noses (鼻出血)
  • Signs of injury to the sinus area
  • Unexplained headaches
  • 不明原因的鼻窦疼痛,治疗后没有好转

Your provider may also order this test to:

  • 确定鼻息肉是否已经扩散到鼻子以外的区域
  • Evaluate an infection or abscess
  • Identify a mass or tumor, including cancer
  • 计划鼻窦手术或术后监测你的进展

Normal Results


What Abnormal Results Mean

不同类型的组织会传回不同的核磁共振信号. 健康组织发回的信号与癌变组织略有不同.

Abnormal results may be due to:

  • 出生缺陷
  • Bone fractures
  • Cancer or tumor
  • Infection in the bones of the sinuses (osteomyelitis)
  • 眼周组织感染(眼眶蜂窝织炎)
  • 鼻息肉
  • Sinusitis -- acute
  • Sinusitis -- chronic

Talk to your provider if you have questions and concerns.


MRI uses no ionizing radiation. No side effects from MRI have been reported. 最常用的造影剂(染料)是钆. It is very safe. Allergic reactions to this dye rarely occur. 操作机器的人会监测你的心率和呼吸.

很少, 患有肾衰竭或慢性肾脏疾病的人会对造影剂(染料)产生严重的反应。. If you have kidney problems, 在你接受这种染色之前告诉核磁共振技术专家和你的十大赌博平台排行榜是很重要的.

鼻窦MRI通常不推荐用于急性创伤情况, 因为牵引和生命维持设备不能安全地进入扫描区域,检查可能会花费相当长的时间.



Tests that may be done instead of a sinus MRI include:

  • CT scan of the sinuses
  • X-ray of the sinuses

A CT scan may be preferred in emergency cases, 因为它更快,而且通常可以在急诊室使用.

注意: MRI在确定鼻窦解剖结构方面不如CT有效, 因此通常不用于疑似急性鼻窦炎.


Khan M, Zinreich J, Aygun N. Imaging of the nose and sinuses. In: Flint PW, Francis HW, Haughey BH, et al, eds. Cummings Otolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery. 7日艾德. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2021:chap 38.

O'Handley JG, Tobin EJ, Shah AR. Otorhinolaryngology. In: Rakel RE, Rakel DP, eds. Textbook of Family Medicine. 9日艾德. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders; 2016:chap 18.

Totonchi A, Armijo B, Guyuron B. Airway issues and the deviated nose. In: Rubin JP, Neligan PC, eds. Plastic Surgery: Volume 2: Aesthetic Surgery. 第四版. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2018:chap 18.

审核日期: 01/07/2023

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