

乳房x光检查是一种低剂量的乳房x光图像. It can reveal small abnormalities in this tissue long before patients see or feel a change.

乳房x光检查s are used for two main purposes: screening and diagnosis. A screening mammogram is a routine test used to detect breast cancer at its earliest stages, 在最容易治疗的时候. A diagnostic mammogram is a more in-depth test to investigate suspicious symptoms (such as a lump) or findings from a previous test.

Different health organizations have different guidelines for when to begin mammogram screenings and how often to get them. 许多女性从40岁开始每年进行一次筛查, but some patients with a higher-than-average breast cancer risk may benefit from earlier or more intensive testing.

When examining your mammogram images, the radiologist will look for:

  • 钙化, These are tiny calcium deposits in breast tissue that look like white spots on the X-ray image. Certain calcification patterns can indicate breast cancer or precancerous changes. If you have an abnormal calcification pattern, your doctor may recommend a breast biopsy.

  • 质量- - - - - - 肿块, 十大赌博平台排行榜称之为肿块, may be cancer but more often are caused by benign (noncancerous) breast conditions. Common benign lumps include cysts (fluid-filled sacs) and fibroadenomas (solid lumps).

大多数诊所现在使用数码乳房x光检查而不是胶卷. Digital mammography allows your doctor to view your images on a computer screen from multiple angles.

数字乳房断层合成(DBT), also known as 3D mammography) is an advanced type of digital mammography. 与印度生物技术部, we can take multiple images of a breast from different angles so the radiologist can see through overlapping tissue.

DBT is better than conventional mammography at early detection of breast cancer. DBT还产生更详细的图像, resulting in fewer inconclusive mammograms that require patients to come back for additional testing.


识别随时间的变化, your radiologist may want to compare your latest mammogram images with your past images. 学习如何 发送图片 你在其他机构的放射科十大赌博平台排行榜那里.

在你做乳房x光检查的那天, 不要使用除臭剂, 香水, 在你的乳房或腋下涂乳液或粉末. 这些产品会干扰成像过程.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding or have ever had a breast biopsy, make sure your doctor and mammogram technologist are aware of these things. Screening mammograms aren’t performed during pregnancy or when breastfeeding.


当你到达时, 你会被要求脱掉腰部以上的衣服, 换上长袍, 摘掉你脖子和胸部的首饰.

Depending on the equipment being used, you either sit or stand while the images are taken. 技师把你的一个乳房放在x光片上. A device presses against the breast to flatten it while the image is taken. 这可能会让你在几秒钟内感到寒冷和不舒服.

The technologist takes images from several angles and may ask you to hold your breath while each image is taken. 对另一侧乳房重复上述步骤.



If your breast tissue shows no signs of masses or calcifications, 你的乳房x光检查正常.

如果你的乳房x光检查显示乳房组织有变化, your doctor will want to investigate further (see "后续的测试,”下面). Most of the time, these abnormalities turn out to be benign (not cancerous). You may also be asked to come back for additional images if the radiologist couldn’t clearly see any part of your breasts on the initial mammogram.


Your doctor may order the following tests to investigate suspicious findings on a mammogram:

如果乳房x光检查或超声波检查发现异常, we may need to perform a biopsy to collect a small sample from the area of concern. A pathologist (a doctor who specializes in tissue analysis) will look for cancer cells in the sample. 活组织检查是确诊乳腺癌的唯一方法.



The radiation dose from a mammogram is small and doesn't significantly affect your cancer risk.

Screening mammograms aren't done when a patient is pregnant or breastfeeding. 如果你在怀孕期间需要诊断性乳房x光检查, 技师会用铅围裙盖住你的腹部.


Myth 1: 乳房x光检查 radiation increases my chance of getting cancer. 事实: Modern mammography equipment uses a very small dose of radiation for each X-ray. The benefits of this procedure far outweigh the risk from this radiation dose, 这不会显著影响你患癌症的风险吗.
误解2:乳房x光检查对年轻女性无效. 事实: 年轻女性的乳房组织往往比年长女性更致密, which can make abnormalities harder to find using standard mammography equipment. 然而, 3D mammography produces higher-quality images that helps doctors detect abnormalities in dense breasts.
误解3:在哪里做乳房x光检查无关紧要. 事实: 研究表明,专门从事乳房x光检查的放射科十大赌博平台排行榜, 还有那些解读大量乳房x光片的人, 更善于早期发现癌症. 我们建议专门从事乳房x光检查的影像中心, 使用最新的设备, and are designated a breast imaging center of excellence by the American College of Radiology. 如果可能的话, use the same center each year so your radiologist can easily compare your latest mammogram to your past images.

加州大学旧金山分校健康医学专家已经审查了这些信息. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.

审核日期: 12/10/2022

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A开发的信息.D.A.M.公司. regarding tests and test results may not directly correspond with information provided by 加州大学旧金山分校健康. Please discuss with your doctor any questions or concerns you may have.


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