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Prostate Cancer Center

The UCSF Prostate Cancer Center provides comprehensive, cutting-edge care to patients with prostate cancer as well as men at high risk of developing the condition. 重点是早期筛查和发现, 我们中心提供一系列的服务, from active surveillance for low-risk cancers to the latest techniques for cancers at all stages, whether localized (局限于前列腺)或 advanced (扩散到骨盆以外的组织). UCSF is a major research center for later-stage prostate cancer and offers the best treatments available.

We also connect patients with integrative medicine services (in which experts combine complementary therapies with mainstream treatments), 营养和生活方式咨询, 支持小组和教育资源. 我们的使命是优化患者在治疗期间及以后的生活质量.

我们的专家团队包括泌尿系统癌症外科十大赌博平台排行榜, radiation oncologists, 医学肿瘤学家和其他专科十大赌博平台排行榜. 除了照顾病人, our doctors are at the forefront of prostate cancer research and strive to quickly translate new findings into more effective methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment.


Co-hosted by the UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center and the California Prostate Cancer Coalition, this annual conference provides an outstanding opportunity to hear the latest on prostate cancer care from leading experts. Explore videos from recent conferences that can help you make informed decisions around monitoring, treatment and more.


Pelvic Muscle Exercises

Pelvic muscle exercises, also known as kegels, 是改善尿失禁和防止其恶化的重要组成部分吗. Learn more.

Erectile Dysfunction

勃起功能障碍影响着数以百万计的男性,其发生的原因有很多, 但也有很多治疗方法可以让你继续拥有令人满意的性生活.

Penile Injections

Although you probably find the idea of injecting something into your penis unappealing, 许多男性对这种疗法非常满意. Learn why.

Patient education


Learning you have prostate cancer can be a shock but there are many strategies and support systems to help you cope.


Good nutrition may reduce the incidence of prostate cancer and help reduce the risk of prostate cancer progression. Learn more.

Prostate Cancer Glossary

Navigating a diagnosis of prostate cancer and the many tests and treatments means learning a whole new vocabulary. This glossary can help.

Rankings & achievements

Care providers

View providers by category
  • Urologic oncology (15)
  • Medical oncology (11)
  • Radiation oncology (6)

Our locations (1)

    Our research initiatives

    • UCSF-Prostate-Cancer-Program-Research-2x


      The UCSF Prostate Cancer Program conducts research aimed at discovering how prostate cancer develops and progresses, finding the best methods of predicting patient outcomes and developing treatments to improve these outcomes

    • UCSF-Helen-Diller-Family-Comprehensive-Cancer-Center-Research-2x


      UCSF is home to a range of research initiatives aimed at improving outcomes for cancer patients everywhere. 这包括对免疫疗法等主题的研究, BRCA突变和分子诊断检测.

    Clinical trials

    Learn moreDecorative Caduceus

    A Phase 1 Safety and Efficacy Study of IS-002 Injection in Patients Undergoing Robotic Prostatectomy Using the da Vinci® Surgical System With Firefly® Fluorescent Imaging

    This is a Phase 1, single-site, interventional clinical trial evaluating the safety and efficacy of IS-002 intravenous (IV) injection for fluorescent identification and delineation of the positive cancer margins and metastatic lymph nodes during prostatectomy surgery using the da Vinci® X/Xi Surgical System with Firefly® Fluorescent Imaging.

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    Learn moreDecorative Caduceus

    一项随机临床试验:运动vs. 选择主动监测前列腺癌的男性的常规护理

    The AS RCT study is a randomized controlled trial of 16-weeks aerobic exercise (home-based walking) vs. 主动监测前列腺癌患者的常规护理.

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    Learn moreDecorative Caduceus

    饮食的随机对照试验 & 前列腺癌患者的运动干预(前列腺8-II)

    The Prostate 8-II study is a 2-year randomized controlled trial of testing different combinations of educational and supportive tools related to diet and exercise to evaluate biological, clinical, and quality of life outcomes in men choosing radical prostatectomy as treatment for prostate cancer.

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    Contact Patricia LiDecorative Caduceus

    A Phase 3 Study of Androgen Annihilation in High-Risk Biochemically Relapsed Prostate Cancer

    This is a randomized, open-label, three-arm, phase 3 study in men with biochemically recurrent prostate cancer and PSA doubling time ≤ 9 months at the time of study entry.

    Contact Patricia Li
    Contact Patricia Li Decorative Caduceus

    177Lu-PSMA-617 and Pembrolizumab in Treating Patients With Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer

    This phase Ib trial studies the dose and schedule of 177Lu-PSMA-617 and pembrolizumab in treating patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer that has spread to other places in the body.

    Contact Patricia Li
    Contact Nela PawlowskaDecorative Caduceus

    A Phase 1 Study of FOR46 in Patients With Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer (mCRPC)

    This study will test the safety and efficacy of FOR46 given every 21 days to patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer.

    Contact Nela Pawlowska
    Learn moreDecorative Caduceus

    NRG- GU 008: Randomized Phase III Trial Incorporating Abiraterone Acetate with Prednisone and Apalutamide and Advanced Imaging into Salvage Treatment for Patients with Node-Positive Prostate Cancer After Radical Prostatectomy

    这个III期试验研究了添加阿帕鲁胺的效果, abiraterone acetate, and prednisone to the usual hormone therapy and radiation therapy works compared to the usual hormone therapy and radiation therapy in treating patients with node-positive prostate cancer after surgery.

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    What to Bring

    • Photo I.D.
    • Health insurance card
    • 保险授权,如果需要的话
    • 十大赌博平台排行榜推荐,如果需要的话
    • 最近的检查结果与你的病情有关
    • 你的药物清单,包括剂量,还有你过敏的药物
    • 你可能有问题的清单
    • 记笔记的工具或纸

    International Services

    如果你住在美国以外,来加州大学旧金山分校接受治疗, 我们的病人联络人可以帮助协调您就诊的各个方面.

    Learn more

    Interpreting Services

    加州大学旧金山分校提供多种语言的口译员, 包括美国手语, as well as services for deaf, 听力障碍和视力受损患者.

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    Hospital Stays

    Make your hospital stay as smooth and comfortable as possible by finding out how to prepare and what to expect.

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    Your Doctor Visit

    See our top 10 tips for making your UCSF doctor’s appointment as stress-free and productive as possible.

    Learn more

    Support services

    Support Group

    Cancer Support Groups

    These groups offered by the Ida and Joseph Friend Patient and Family Cancer Support Center are free and available to all patients, 不管你是否在加州大学旧金山分校获得医疗保健.

    Support Group


    Patients are matched with peer support volunteers according to criteria such as diagnosis, cancer stage, age or gender. 和那些“经历过”的人谈谈."

    Patient Resource

    Patient & Family Cancer Support Center

    该中心提供健康项目, community, support groups, classes, 为癌症患者和他们的亲人提供免费的研讨会和其他活动.


    Cancer Exercise Counseling

    我们一对一的运动训练课程, 根据您的需求和能力定制, 能补充其他癌症治疗并加速你的康复吗.

    Patient Resource

    Cancer Nutrition Counseling

    加州大学旧金山分校健康中心为癌症患者提供免费营养咨询, 以及对所有人开放的营养研讨会. Learn more.

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    San Francisco, CA 94158

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    Redwood City, CA 94062

    Cancer Center San Mateo

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    Berkeley Outpatient Center

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    Berkeley, CA 94702


    UCSF Help Center

    (888) 689-8273


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